The Five Stages of ‘The Donald’

How Kübler-Ross applies to Donald Trump

David Martin
Politically Speaking
3 min readNov 7, 2021


Photo by Claudia Wolff on Unsplash

I’m not a psychologist nor do I play one on TV but I have read enough pop psychology and watched enough episodes of Dr. Phil and Dr. Drew to know that there has to be an easy explanation for the political phenomenon that is Donald Trump. And one explanation that comes to mind is the Kübler-Ross model that describes the five stages of grief.

Back in June of 2015 when The Donald announced his candidacy, the common reaction from the commentariat and the Republican cognoscenti was denial. Few believed his announcement was real and those who did acknowledge it insisted that his campaign wouldn’t last long.

As the months passed, party insiders and conservative pundits entered stage two: anger. How could this happen? Why was he actually leading in the polls? Who was Trump to turn everything upside down and deny traditional Republicans their rightful chance at the presidency? And how could he be so cruel as to make Jeb Bush cry?

Then came the bargaining stage. Maybe if we just adapt and refine our policy positions a bit, thought some, Trump will go away and someone like Bush or Rubio or Christie will come to the fore. If we promise to bomb ISIS more or be tougher on illegal immigration or temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country, Trump will withdraw from the race and all will be well again.

In December of that year, depression — the fourth stage — took hold as Republican insiders recognized the mathematical possibility of Trump actually winning the nomination. Instead of waning, he was actually gaining in poll after poll. Conservative commentators grew sullen and silent as they mourned the passing of their early erroneous predictions.

With the advent of 2016 came the final stage — acceptance. Party insiders and media types alike finally started rationalizing their positions and accepting the inevitability of Trump being the Republican presidential nominee.

What was initially deemed impossible, unthinkable and unacceptable was now considered likely and maybe even OK. Five years later, you can see it in the words of most party faithful who now say Trump’s positions make sense and really aren’t that bad. You can see it in those who now say that not only is he not Ted Cruz, he’s actually God’s chosen one

The Kübler-Ross model presupposes that acceptance is a good thing. Accepting your own death or the death of a loved one is a healthy and liberating step. In the case of Mr. Trump, however, it’s not entirely clear whose death is being accepted. If it’s the demise of the Republican Party, that may be a good thing. If it’s the end of America, then it’s probably not.

Next week we’ll examine how the psychological concept called the Stockholm syndrome (or capture bonding) may help to explain why many Americans empathize with the man who has kidnapped their hearts and brains and have now moved beyond acceptance to the new sixth stage of grief: celebration.



David Martin
Politically Speaking

Wordsmith, humorist and author of “Dare to be Average” on Amazon. Support Dave’s writing by joining Medium: